BullDog II:10Hp Reclaim/Recycle System
Item #: BullDog II 10Hp Reclaim/Recycle System
Bulldog Recover Reclaim Recycle System purified gas in excess of 600 lbs per hour. This system reclaimed and processed contaminated gas in house and maximized profits. This unit is tough, dependable and very unique. Imagine you needed to reclaim 5,000 pounds of R22 for a customer and they were going to pay you based on the volume of the job and not the time. The Bulldog completed the 5,000 pounds in a day and maximized profits.
Different regulations apply to operators, technicians, and installers in the cooling industry. Operators ensured that the recovery of refrigerants is carried out by procedure and the refrigerants are either recycled, reclaimed, or destroyed. Destroying refrigerants must be done following regulations written by the EPA.
Recovering refrigerants gives three options: recycle, reclaim, or destroy. Understanding that recycled refrigerants are uncertified products, designed to be re-used on-site. Reintroducing the refrigerant into the market, reclaiming is done where it is purified, certified (according to the appropriate regulatory standards), and guaranteed by a licensed facility.
- Capable of cleaning refrigerant at 400lbs/hr.
- Recover, Recycle or Reclaim on site.
- Able to offload tankers or ISO’s
- Utilize the BullDog System to clean oil, acid, moisture, hard particulates and nons from chillers without taking them offline
- Proven dehydration for large chillers
- Low maintenance design
- Available in 240V or 460V

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