Refrigerant Reclaim Systems

Refrigerant Reclaim Systems

Refrigerant Reclaim Systems
Refrigerant Reclaim Systems

Refrigerant Reclaim Systems Clean Gas in Excess of 600 Pounds per Hour
Fastest Refrigerant Reclaim Speeds Available

Enviropurge High Speed Purger

Enviropurge HP

Portable or permanent high speed purge unit. Custom purge system designed for large process chillers. Configurations available for in door or out of door location as well as aggressive environments such as chlorine processing plants.

Purge Systems For Chillers


Portable high speed purge unit. The only universal unit that services both high & low pressure refrigerants. Service on-line chillers or storage tanks.

Refrigerant Reclaim Systems

Shark Recovery and Recycling System

The Shark Recovery and Recycling System is the only unit in the world certified by AHRI to clean gas back to ARI 700 standards in a single pass. Will handle R22, R134a, R410a and others.

Refrigerant Reclaim Systems

Desiccant Bed

Desicant bed for moisture removal.

Refrigerant Reclaim Systems

BullDog III:15Hp Reclaim/Recycle System

BD III:15Hp Reclaim/Recycle System Cleans Gas at 600lbs / Hr

Refrigerant Reclaim Systems

BullDog II 10Hp Reclaim/Recycle System

BD II 10Hp Reclaim/Recycle System Cleans Gas at 400lbs / hr

Refrigerant Reclaim Systems

BullDog I 5Hp Reclaim/Recycle System

BD I 5Hp Reclaim/Recycle System Cleans Gas at 200lbs / Hr

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